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Facts About High Blood Pressure - Facts You May Need

Hypertension is the leading risk facts about high blood pressure for stroke and a major risk factor for heart attacks and cardiovascular problems and kidney failure . Hypertension may be partly hereditary , there are several environmental factors increase the likelihood that you can get. They are stress , obesity , physical inactivity , facts about high blood pressure low potassium intake and excess fat , salt and alcohol.

Many Americans take medication to control hypertension. Although facts about high blood pressure medications are not effective , the researchers are concerned about the effects of long-term use , especially for people whose pressure is just above the normal range and are exploring ways to reduce their natural pressure through diet and exercise.

If you are prone to hypertension, you are destined facts about high blood pressure to take powerful drugs to fight against the disease? The answer is maybe not . You can be the natural choice to prevent hypertension in constant development. The results indicate that even a moderate reduction in the risk factors of high blood pressure among people prone contributes to the primary prevention facts about high blood pressure of disease.

You may be able facts about high blood pressure to reduce your risk of developing hypertension, moderate changes in lifestyle . According to some studies that men and women who were a little overweight, eating salty foods , smoked, shot several glasses of alcohol per day and rarely exercised. All had the pressure in the high normal range. This means that the diastolic blood pressure of 80-99 mmHg. But if they were facts about high blood pressure all in good health.

What pressure should be reduced ? A study shows that there are dangers associated with drops in both large and small blood pressure. Modest declines seemed safer facts about high blood pressure. So it would be best to consult your doctor about it .

The researchers say that many more people over time have had serious or fatal heart attacks after voltage processing pressure drops facts about high blood pressure resulting in less than six or more points 18 points. People whose diastolic blood pressure was reduced from seven to 17 points were the fewest heart attacks.

People with very large and very small drops against BP three to four times the risk of heart attack compared to those with moderate declines facts about high blood pressure. The number of ideal pressure may be an unrealistic goal , and can even be dangerous for many people .

All patients had blood pressure greater than 160 systolic or diastolic of 95 years , most of them took conventional drug treatments , such as diuretics , facts about high blood pressure calcium channel blockers or beta -blockers to reduce the pressure.

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